No way to see counter of new messages per channel in sidebar unless you turn on notifications for the group messages – which means you get a notification on your desktop or phone or whatnot for every.Obviously a flexible system it might start off meh but we can probably turn it into a nice setup if we are willing and able to invest the time to do so.Offers an attachments sidebar to look at all the files shared on a channel.Decent UX, though not quite as refined feeling as Mattermost.No “show all attachments” option that I could see.

Plus the ability to import color settings from Slack.

The theme is not very nice it’s kind of sloppy looking, and there are no options to configure it at all beyond normal/compact/cozy.Things like entering idle time limits as a raw number of seconds seem cheesy. The UI has this weirdly experimental feel to it.It does seem to have a lot of features that could be useful.They all either put them in alphabetical order or they try to sort them for you using an algorithm that doesn’t match what I would ever choose to do. I wish they let you rearrange channels into your preferred order.My initial thoughts, just trying it on desktop for starters… General